Exchange 2013 cumulative update CU11 was released on 15 December!
It solves some important problems but I was
For each database use its own database LUN and its own transaction log LUN
Independent LUNs offer better perfomance, disk corruption error isolation…
Depending on
By default DAG is configured to use compression and encryption only for intersubnet replication replication.
[PS] C:\>Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup | fl Name,NetworkEncryption,NetworkCompression
Name : DAG2010
NAT (Network Address Translation) can be configured in our Checkpoint FW in 2 two different ways: Manual or Automatic
Automatic NAT
To configure the automatic
By design, Outlook saves sent emails from shared mailboxes on the main account sent items folders. The users often find this behaviour annoying and ask
If you use Apache, probably you have used the mod_rewrite and the RewriteRule sentences.
One simple rewriting rule:
RewriteRule ^/cars