
This toolset facilitates the migration of content from BookStack to Outline, a modern knowledge base. The tool includes two Python scripts:

  1. export_from_bookstack.py: Exports content from BookStack into a JSON file.
  2. import_to_outline.py: Imports the exported JSON file into Outline


  • Converts BookStack shelves to Outline collections.
  • Converts BookStack books, chapters, and pages to Outline documents.
  • Maintains document hierarchy during the migration.
  • Automatically downloads and saves images into the Outline storage during the import process.
  • Orphaned books (books not placed in a shelf) are imported under "Orphaned books" collection


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/somoit-net/bookstack_outline_migrator.git
  2. cd bookstack_outline_migrator
  3. Install the necessary Python packages
    pip3 install -r requirements


A sample config.txt file is included in the repository. You need to update this file with your specific BookStack and Outline credentials and URLs.

# Bookstack and Outline config

# Bookstack

# Outline
  • BOOKSTACK_BASE_URL: URL of your BookStack instance.
  • BOOKSTACK_API_TOKEN_ID: Your BookStack API token ID.
  • BOOKSTACK_API_TOKEN_SECRET: Your BookStack API token secret.
  • BOOKSTACK_EXPORT_FILENAME: Name of the file where the exported data will be saved (default is bookstack_export.json).
  • OUTLINE_BASE_URL: URL of your Outline instance.
  • OUTLINE_API_TOKEN: Your Outline API token.


1. Export from BookStack

To export content from BookStack, run the following command:

python3 export_from_bookstack.py

This will generate a JSON file named as specified in BOOKSTACK_EXPORT_FILENAME.

Note: Ensure that the BookStack site is accessible and the config.txt file is correctly configured.

2. Import to Outline

To import the exported content into Outline, use the following command:

python3 import_to_outline.py

The output is similar to the import process

Note: The Bookstack site must still be accessible so the script can automatically download the images.