Not sure since what version this feature is available but I have started to use the notes section of the services i am monitoring in Icinga in markdown syntax.
icingaweb2 package version 2.6 that is compiled for Debian 10 (Buster).
Package: icingaweb2
Version: 2.6.2-3
You may think you do not need it for, but in my humble opinion it is a very useful feature: Sometimes the ones who check Icinga and receive the alerts do not know how to react beyond calling the next level technician. By adding a nicely formatted documentation in the icinga itself and/or adding links to the IT knowledge base (like the one I use -> Post SomoIT: Best Wiki software / documentation tool) that problem would be solved.
This is an example “Notes” section with different types of formats and links:

… and the configuration of the service:
apply Service "Test service" {
import "active-service-HARD-1day"
check_command = "check_dummy_variable"
notes = {{{
# Header one
## Header two
### Header three
Text with **bold** word.
_this is italic_
You can find related documentation in this link... blablablabla...
assign where in [ "Test Server" ]
Additionally the notes data can also be included in the notification email…

… but that is the subject of a future post 😉