Im using my F5 BIGIP (v13) as reverse proxy to publish some websites by using local traffic policies. But i need to perform a URL rewriting. To be specific, i need to strip a string from the URI path.
It could be done using an IRule:
if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri] ] starts_with "/path1" } {
HTTP::uri [string map {"/path1/" "/"} [HTTP::uri]]
node 8000
Given that im using policies to publish these websites, I tried to strip the string from the path using a policy action that allows to modify the path. Finally achieved this way:

One of the allowed actions is Replace – HTTP Uri – PATH … with value…

“value” can be a tcl expression like the one used in the IRule, but using this format:
tcl:[string map {"/path1/" "/"} [HTTP::uri]]
This way there is no need of an IRule (that would be processed after the policy).